Monday, February 25, 2013

Super Powers

Gunner likes to read a few books in his bed sometimes after we put him to bed, to help him settle down. Tonight, he decided to read every book in his bookcase, for an hour. He was obviously not ready to go to bed earlier. Anyway, he finally told me he was ready for me to turn his light off. I had to clear a mountain of books off his bed to make room for him to lie down. While I did this, he found an unread book. Then we had this conversation:

G: I'm just going to read this one last book.
Me: I am going to turn the light off soon, so you should probably read that tomorrow.
G: It's okay, I can read in it in the dark.
Me: Hmmm, I'm not sure about that.
G: Yes, I can. I have x-ray vision.


kms said...

He comes by it naturally. Paul was the Six Dollar Man.

Madame Palmkey said...

A boy after my own heart. I've discovered that it is actually better for me sleep-wise to stay up reading. When I go for lights out at 11, I toss and turn until 1:30 or later and I get upset which makes my sleep restless. But if I stay up reading until after midnight I'm already very tired and I fall right asleep and sleep deeply, waking up earlier on my own. So...habit justified.

cfg said...

I want that super power. What a lucky boy.