Monday, January 06, 2014

The Arctic Vortex vs. My Windows

It's -25 outside today with a -45 windchill.  As we hunker down indoors, my windows are losing the battle between cold outside and warmish inside.


Madame Palmkey said...

Ugh! It looks like you should be in Scrooge's counting house! I've never seen that sort of thing in real life, I thought only shivering victorian children pressed their faces up against internal frost!

Move back here. Today's extreme weather included: frost that melted by midmorning, weather cool enough to justify a polar fleece jacket and now a light rain is falling.

cfg said...

Didn't you post similar pictures when you lived in St. Louis? Move to the Pacific Northwest, we don't do that here.

lulu said...

Holy smokes! Makes me cold!