Monday, July 23, 2012

Gunner the Author

Gunner wrote the following story as part of his Summer Reading program activities.  I shouldn't be surprised, since the kid has a vivid imagination, but I have to admit that I was surprised he was able to spit this thing out in about 20 seconds.  I think he would dedicate this story to his friend, Greg, who loves Monster Trucks.  Enjoy!

A Really Monster Story
by Gunner Archibald

A long time ago, a monster truck crushed a car.  A person jumped on the monster truck.  The person flicked the monster truck up in the air.  The monster truck crushed a house, and then it saw a big big alligator that had 42 teeth.  Then the crocodile ate the monster truck.
The End


Pulcheria said...

LOVE that kid! =)

cfg said...

When I was a children's librarian and listened to kids tell these stories, it was all I could do to keep a straight face. Often their illustrations were hilarious too and bore no resemblance to the printed book.