Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Small Things

Just a few things Gunner did today that made me laugh. I had to share:

Gunner: Can I have one of your cupcakes?

Me: Yes, as long as you give me a big hug and tell me that you love me and that I'm your favorite momma in the whole big world.

Gunner: I love zjew. I'm your big momma in the world favorite whole now.

#2: (while Spiff was attending the Tour of Utah with a buddy who picked him up from our house)
Gunner: Did Daddy go to a bike race? Who's his friend?

Me: That was Daddy's friend Sean.

Gunner: Sean the Baptist?

And #3: Here's what has been keeping Gunner entertained the past couple days. These are motorcycles made out of playdough (my handiwork. Aren't I artistic?). His hands are the riders, and they had to have helmets. I wish you could hear the dialogue that goes with it. I think I'm almost as entertained by it as he is.

Did he make you smile?


Madame Palmkey said...

Sean the baptist. The cooler, less hairy cousin. Also I love the helmets. Awesome.

lulu said...

Sure did make me smile. The motorcycle finger riders were pretty sweet. I love that kid.

Carrie said...

What a cutie! I love the things they say at this age. Alex is obsessed with all things blue, so on garbage day he stares out the window and chants, "I LIKE you, blue garbage truck! I LIKE you, blue garbage truck!"

We miss you guys! :)

cfg said...

Yes, it made me smile. It is great to hear/see these happy moments, not only for my gratification,, but because you will forget them.

Pulcheria said...

As always! Love that boy of yours!

Mel said...

What a fun age! He cracks me up!

kalie said...

Yay! I am glad to read your blog. It makes me smile in a major way. The child word list of the week actually made me SNORT out loud. ;)

FB is weird!!! I found you, but I couldn't add you bc there was no +1 next to your name. ???? Maybe someone out there is determined we shall not be friends.

But resistance is FUTILE!