Monday, August 15, 2011

Event Confusion

I think Gunner is a little confused by time and spacial relationships. Today he said the following:

Mommy, will you get my birthday out?

I want to go to Halloween.

My birthday starts on Wednesday.

On an unrelated note, and in honor of Liz Lemon (although he has never seen an episode of 30 Rock), he has said, entirely unprompted, and on many occasions, "I want to go to there."

Me too, Gunner. Me too.


Madame Palmkey said...

I've heard that Tina Fey got that line from her daughter at a similar age.

kalie said...

I want to get my birthday out!

As far as the pharmacy snafu, I should have mentioned that! I took the compounding prescription to Smith's and they told me to go to Jolley's. Anyway. I hope you got it figured out and that Hobbes stops puking on your floor.