Thursday, June 03, 2010


Wowzah, it's been hard to think of something to blog about lately. It's the end of 3rd year, and I'm really feeling it. My patience is low, my creativity is almost nonexistent, and I can hardly wait the two weeks for Spiff to be done with his OB/GYN rotation which marks the end of 3rd year and the beginning of a two-week vacation!!! I feel like a kid who just can't quite wait for Christmas. Maybe I should make a paper chain.

Before this turns into a total whine session, I'll write about some of the things we've been up to.

Spiff participated in his first triathlon a few weeks ago. It was a mini-tri, with a 200 yard swim, 9 mile bike ride, and 2 mile run. He said that the pool was very warm and the bike/run route was very hilly, and it was hot and sunny. But he had a good time and finished in 52 minutes, which put him at 5th in his 20-29 age group. Not bad for a first try!

I am amazed at how grown-up Gunner is these days. He is becoming so independent, and he knows what a big kid he is. He knows his body parts, he loves reading with us, and he loves, loves, loves being outside. He is also coming up with a whole bunch of new words. My favorite new ones:
Larli (Charlotte...his very best friend in the whole world)
Gah gahn (all gone)
Lellow (yellow)
Gaing (again)
Mmbomeh or Bubby (bummy/bum/tushy)

Our primary class is going well. Thank you for all of your fabulous suggestions! We have some great kids in our class, and I've actually been enjoying it. The 4-5 year olds are a whole lot different than the 2-3 year old nursery kids. The main differences are their capacity to color for a long period of time, and the fact that they want to tell us all kinds of stories. They ask over and over again if they can tell us something, and if we tell them to wait (for the sake of some kind of continuity in the lesson), they completely tune us out while they hold onto their thought. They wait for a pause in the lesson and then say, "NOW can I tell you something?"

Their stories are cute but hard to listen to. They ramble, and there is hardly ever a point. One time last week, we tried to wrap up a little girl's story by saying, "Alright, thank you." And she yelled at us, "I'm Not Finished Yet!!!"

Okay! Sorry to offend. Go right on and finish. We're all ears.

My favorite quote of the class so far:
Spiff asked, "Why should we obey our parents?"
One kid responded, "So we can get stickers."

Anyway, we're one day closer to the end of 3rd year. I can't believe Spiff is almost a 4th year! I'm going to go make my paper chain now.


Madame Palmkey said...

I do not get stickers for obeying the commandments, so I am going to stop right now.

Janelle Dobson said...

Maybe to help contain the impromptu stories you could incorporate a "story time" at the beginning where they can share to their hearts content for the first 10 minutes and get it out of the way. Just a thought.

Lauren said...

Excellent, now I have an excuse for my naughtiness; I never got any stickers for good behavior as a child.

Mindy said...

Janelle, we tried the "story time" idea in class last week. It was awesome!!! Thanks for the brilliant idea!