Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Little Life Lesson

Earlier this morning, I was thinking about some of the blogs I read for fun and about the funny stories people share about their lives. I got thinking that I haven't had an amusing story to share for a long long time. I then decided that my life just isn't that amusing, and that I've got things so under control that funny and embarrassing things just don't happen to me.

And then my little Gunner pooped on the floor. I decided to let him run around in the buff for a while to give his poor little rashie bum a chance to air out. The next thing I knew, there was a little pile of poo under the table.

Maybe I shouldn't wish for my life to be more entertaining.


Nurse Graham said...

LOL. Hope his little piggie toes managed not to step in the poop and drag it around the house.

Pulcheria said...

LOL. Thanks for sharing your story today - I needed the laugh desperately! Glad the pile wasn't in a hidden corner.

Lauren said...

LOL! Thank goodness you don't have carpets. That is the main reason why Josh doesn't get the naked baby luxury, but thankfully only gets diaper rash on rare occasions. Isn't being a mom great? ;)

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

I don't know why poop stories still crack me up... as long as I don't have to clean them up! Nice.