Wednesday, May 20, 2009

An odd sort of notoriety

So I got a peculiar email on Facebook today. A classmate of mine directed my attention to a website called and said she thought she'd found a picture of me on there. I cruised through the site, found some truly terrible photos like this on the site, but didn't see any of my own family pictures. I emailed her for clarification, and she provided a link which proved definitively that someone out there furnished a copy of our family photo. It's pretty weird to see my family photo on a site that mocks bizarre family photos. I'm just curious who put it out there, since there are a limited number of people who have this photo and even fewer with the technical savvy to put it online. So, dear readers, if any of you have direct knowledge of this, shoot me an email and let me know. I'm not irritated, more bemused. Since I know you're dying of curiosity, here is the link in question.


Madame Palmkey said...

It isn't rocket science. The offending pic is on Dad's homepage, for all the world to see. Any student or faculty member could have posted it. For that matter, Dad and the puffin were featured in a major fundraising campaign that centered on a portrait of them together. A bemused idler could have googled dad. His site is the first hit and family is an easy link. While I'm not sure WHY someone would follow that trail much less who it could be, cutting and pasting the image would be the work of seconds. It is unsettling to have complete strangers mock your family's Christmas picture from a decade ago. Did you see the commenter who thought you looked like the shamwow guy?

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

How very, very odd it must be for you, Spiff. All the same, I gotta ask: what's up with the animals on a Christmas pic?

Dan's mom said...

After viewing the picture & reading Mhana's comment I am struck by the sad fact that what one views as "normal" so many others see as "odd". Don't ask me how I know.
Happy studying and best of recall on the boards.

Linzi Lou, Samantha Boo, Madi Moo, and Chris too said...

Okay, so I am even more interested to know why in the world there is a penquin and a armadillo? in the picture with your family!

cfg said...

Arthur the armadillo enjoyed a certain popularity before the puffin came on the scene. Before them, there were a series of pigs who dominated the family. You have to remember this photo is ten years old.

Anonymous said...