Sunday, July 20, 2008


Yesterday I went to the student run clinic, called the HRC (health resource center). It's in the north part of the city, which is a pretty bad neighborhood. I was signed up to be the official phlebotomist, which meant that I was also supposed to give shots and PPD's (TB tests). Working there is always interesting, because I meet people with whom I would never otherwise have had contact. It reminds me of the pompous British officer in Beyond the Fringe's skit, The Aftermyth of War. "You know Perkins, before this horrible war started, I had never come across men of your social class before. Let me say just this, it's been a privilege". Hopefully it's not like that in real life. I worked with a young man who had just gotten out of jail for a drug charge and who needed to get a physical so he could get a job as a construction laborer through some rehabilitation program. He sounded like he really wanted to turn his life around, had stopped smoking and drinking, and wanted to work. I enjoy working at the HRC because it gives me a chance to work on history taking skills. Since there is a third or fourth year student and the attending who see the patient after I do, it's ok for now if I miss something in the history. Since I'm obviously very inexperienced at this, having so much built in redundancy is a good thing. Ironically, despite being the designated phlebotomist, I never actually drew blood yesterday. I should really go to the HRC more often. It's good for the soul to help out those who are truly in need, even if it is in my own fumbling inept way.

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