Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Haps

I have been so under-motivated to write on this blog. Have you noticed? Spiff stopped writing on the blog months ago. Have you noticed? I have. I miss him on here. But anyway, I have had a hard time thinking of things to write about, not that we haven't been busy. I just feel like I have said it all before. Spiff works a lot. I watch the kids. End of story.

Ok, well, I'll make an effort.

In the past month, Spiff has had one day off in the last 20. He just got done working 16 days straight. And not just half days, oh no. We're talking 16 days of 14-16 hours every day. He has been home literally just to sleep. This week, he saw his children for two hours on Monday afternoon, and then didn't see them again until Saturday morning. He is at the hospital by 5 a.m. and doesn't come home until 8 at night. Sheesh! I think what gets him through his ever-more-brutal-than-the-day-before days is this saying about Intern Year: "They can always hurt you more, but they can't stop the clock." We have about three months left.

Needless to say, the boys and I have spent a whole lot of time together the last little while. Spiff is usually gone during dinner and bedtime. I love my children, but I have to admit that my favorite days are the ones when I have successfully worn them both out so that they go to bed early and I have an evening to myself.

Gunner is in swimming lessons, and he loves it. I love it, too. He officially passed the Level 1-Pre Guppie class! My sister and I took our kids swimming the other day, and I enjoyed watching Gunner practice what he has learned in his classes. All on his own, I saw him blow bubbles, jump into the pool (only where it is very very very shallow), and practice moving his arms like the guy swimming laps in the deep end. I helped him practice a back float. It's pretty cool to watch him develop a useful skill. However, there were a couple little girls, not much older than Gunner, who were incredibly comfortable in the water. It was amazing to watch them cannonball or belly flop off the edge into the water, or throw a toy under water and dive down and get it. Amazing! I am so proud of the things Gunner has learned, but watching them made me realize how far he has to go. I want him to be that comfortable in the water. So, it's on to the Level 2 class in April!

Hobbes has turned into a full-time walker, and he is getting fast! It's amazing how quickly they get so darn fast! He still sort of wobbles around flat-footed and sort of like a drunk, but he does it quickly! It's funny. He is also such an Undo-er. He follows me around all day long taking things off shelves that I have just put away. He is still a quiet little guy. He doesn't say much at all. Occasionally he will call me "Maaaam" and he will reject something by saying, "Naaa." And he just started saying "Wow." He sticks his little lips out at far as they can go and says, "Wow-wow-wow-wow" over and over. He's so cute and pleasant most of the time and really has me wrapped around his finger.

I need to watch out because I think he hides his feisty side. He's much more of a daredevil than Gunner was as a baby. Hobbes is a climber. Spiff watched him climb from an upside-down laundry basket to a kitchen chair. He stopped him before he climbed onto the table. I walked into the bathroom one evening to find him on top of the toilet. He had used the step-stool to climb up onto the seat! In the back of my head was the idea that I should have grabbed the camera for some proof, but my heart stopped, and I just grabbed him and closed the bathroom door behind me. And then my heart started beating again.

And as for me, I have been entertaining myself during evenings alone while Spiff has been on night float by watching too much TV. I have been training for my marathon with a whole lot of help from family and friends, which is a subject that deserves it's own post. I have also been obsessing about finding a house to rent when we move in June. I have lost so much sleep the past two weeks worrying about making the right decision about where our family is going to live for the next three years. We found a great house, and it's an almost-done-deal. I'm praying that it works out. I'm praying that it's the right choice. I'm praying that I can finalize things so that I can stop obsessing and finally get some sleep.

That's my story, morning glory. That's a long story for not wanting to write one in the first place. I realize that. Spiff is on vacation this week! Hoorah! We all can't wait to spend some time with him.


Mel said...

Yeah for spending time with your hubby! And I hope the house works out for you. I understand the stress of not knowing where you are going, and it is nerve wracking!

lulu said...

Vacation is wonderful, and I am excited for you to enjoy yours. Thanks for posting.