Friday, March 30, 2012

New Lyrics

Gunner was singing "I Am a Child of God" this morning, but he changed the words of the chorus.

Lead Me, Guide Me
Sacrifice Me.

I think the general primary presidency ought to consider them for a permanent change.
Don't you?


Madame Palmkey said...

Well you know what they say... Isaac must have been a teenager, or it wouldn't have been a sacrifice for Abraham to slay him. I once murmured this to our bishop's wife (she didn't know me well at the time) and she looked genuinely shocked, until I assured her I was kidding and actually loved teaching the 14 year olds. About 75% of the time.

Pulcheria said...

LOVE that boy. And seriously, don't we all have those days? Now, I can sing his song when I do!