Sunday, August 10, 2008

A more pure fun

As you no doubt realized, we were not posting last week. This is because we were on vacation where we had no internet or even electricity. Yes, even in this modern age, we were able to scratch out a crude semi-life without the internet, even if it was only for a week. We were at camp, our summer cabin in upper michigan which has no electricity. Technically there is a generator we bought to power our new electric pump. It was great being up there where the stars come out at night and it gets deathly still after the sun goes down. Our good friends the Edvalsons joined us there for several days which was great fun. Colin, Henry, and Nathan all enjoyed the playmobils, particularly the race car and the arctic exploration snowcat. Though we were only gone a week, it felt like much longer, and consequently the vacation was all the more relaxing. Part of that may have been due to the fact that I didn't really wear my watch for a week, so I never really knew what time it was. I am ready to start neuroscience this week, though I could wait another week. Little Grwn is doing well, he has the hiccups (we presume) pretty regularly which is fun for me because I get to feel him move, but probably is less fun for mindy, because he keeps her up at night.


Ahenobarbus Textor said...

Sounds ideal for an escape from the urban pit that is St. Louis. How are the stars? Is there much light pollution?

Mindy said...

Fantastic Stars!!! We don't get to see them much in the city. I almost forgot how many there are!