Thursday, September 12, 2013

Like a Weed

Before Gunner's Tonsillectomy, the nurse at the hospital told me that I needed to take him home that day and measure him.  She warned me that after he healed, he would start sleeping better, and then he would grow.  Well, I didn't measure him, but I have noticed that he is growing.  It's insane!  I swear that I can almost see it happening, that he is bigger today than he was yesterday.  He is growing out of his clothes like crazy.  He's growing, and he's getting more mature.  I'm sure that the Tonsils haven't helped with the second one, but it's neat to see him hit milestones as he inches towards the big Five.

Here are some examples:
Since we didn't have tons of toys to play with today, I got out some other forms of entertainment for the kids, including some puzzles and games we haven't played with in quite a while.  I was seriously impressed at Gunner's ability to do puzzles that he couldn't do all by himself six months ago.

Also, Gunner and I sat and played an entire game of Lightening McQueen Bingo.  And it was fun.  Actually fun!  He all the sudden understands about taking turns and working towards little goals.  He never got upset, and he didn't end the game by throwing a little tantrum and storming away in a huff like he often has.  He even said, "I'm really enjoying myself."  I'm thrilled!  I love playing games, and I'm seeing a whole world of entertainment possibilities open up to me as my boy grows up a little.

Now a couple of funny stories:

I took the boys to Storytime at the library, and Gunner was hilarious to watch while the librarian read book.  He was so into it.  He loved the stories.  He was one of those kids to loudly answer all of her questions.  I sat there happy that he was enjoying it.

At one point, we were reading a story about a naughty little dog who makes bad choices, like deciding to eat all of the cake, or chasing the cat.  After getting caught and getting into trouble, the little dog was faced with another difficult choice.  The librarian asked, "What will George do?!"

Gunner yelled out, "He will change his attitude!!!"


After library storytime, I took the kids to a local toy store to play with their free train tables.  That toy store was having their own storytime, and it was packed with people when we walked in the door.

Gunner took one look at all the kids and parents and exclaimed, "Holy Mackerel!!!"

Also, I sort of love it when my kids make other people giggle.


Kara said...

The tonsils (or lack thereof) probably deserve a little of the maturity credit too. When he had tonsils and sleep apnea, no matter how much time he spent in bed he was in a state of sleep deprivation because not-breathing was constantly interrupting his sleep. I think it's pretty universal that sleep deprived people are cranky. Adults might learn to hide crankiness, but not kids.

Madame Palmkey said...

Gunner is so funny. I'm glad he's feeling so much better.

cfg said...

I love Gunner and like to hear happy stories about him. I can hardly wait to see you all.

cfg said...

I told a friend about Gunner's growth and health post-tonsillectomy, and she is going to take action. Her 9 year old is a mouth breather, small for his age, has bags under his eyes. A year ago her insurance wouldn't cover the surgery because he didn't have enough strep throats in a given year. With new insurance, she thinks it will be covered.
Thanks to you, maybe another child will benefit.