Sunday, June 22, 2008

Another week down

This week was something of a drag. I spent a lot of time in the lab trying to analyze my data, but without significant result. Reading mass spec peaks is hard and takes a lot of time, I learned. Even once I've identified what things are, the "so what" question remains frustratingly unanswered. Before medschool I always figured I didn't want to spend my life as a researcher, and I'm beginning to confirm that. I haven't written much recently, mainly because nothing of interest has occured. We're moving on saturday, which hardly seems real. I haven't really thought about our new place very much, so the moving date kind of crept up on me. The only reason we're moving is so that we can have another bedroom when young Grwn arrives . I'm surprised that Jefferson was as popular a name on the poll as it was.

1 comment:

Ahenobarbus Textor said...

Progress is good, even when it's by process of elimination. Firming up an abhorrence of a research career: priceless (if frustrating). I'm so glad that little Kill Sin will get a room of his own in which he may brood upon the evils of this world.