Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Great Medical Words:

I'm something of a word afficionado, and I particularly enjoy sonorous ones that just roll off the tongue. As I have studied, here are a few of the more interesting ones and their definitions:

Chancroid (Chang-kroid?) : STD caused by Hemophilus Ducreyi
Ataxia Telangectasia(just puzzle your way through it. the 'g' is a 'j' sound): Rare mutation in the TP53 (i think) protein that regulates the progression of the cell cycle in the presence of DNA damage. Rather than pausing, the cycle progresses even with damaged DNA, causing tumors. Patients with this mutation have NO tolerance for X-rays, or CT (since this is many sequential XR).
Pica: Basically you eat things that aren't food: clay, paint chips, hair from the barbershop floor, etc.
Schizont (sky-zont): The polynucleated (1000's) stage of life in a Protozoa, particularly the causative agents of malaria.
Gumma :A soft, non cancerous growth resulting from tertiary stage of syphillus

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