Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Evidence Based Medicine

BMJ 1999;319:1618
Seven Alternatives to Evidence Based Medicine

David Isaacs, Dominic Fitzgerald

Clinical decisions should, as far as possible, be evidence based. So runs the current clinical dogma.(1, 2) We are urged to lump all the relevant randomised controlled trials into one giant meta-analysis and come out with a combined odds ratio for all decisions. Physicians, surgeons, nurses are doing it(3–5); soon even the lawyers will be using evidence based practice.6 But what if there is no evidence on which to base a clinical decision?

Participants, methods, and results

We, two humble clinicians ever ready for advice and guidance, asked our colleagues what they would do if faced with a clinical problem for which there are no randomised controlled trials and no good evidence. We found ourselves faced with several personality based opinions, as would be expected in a teaching hospital. The personalities transcend the disciplines, with the exception of surgery, in which discipline transcends personality. We categorised their replies, on the
basis of no evidence whatsoever, as follows.

Eminence based medicine
The more senior the colleague, the less importance he or she placed on the need for anything as mundane as evidence. Experience, it seems, is worth any amount of evidence. These colleagues have a touching faith in clinical experience, which has been defined as "making the same mistakes with increasing confidence over an impressive number of years."(7) The eminent physician’s white hair and balding pate are called the “halo” effect.

Vehemence based medicine
The substitution of volume for evidence is an effective technique for brow beating your more timorous colleagues and for convincing relatives of your ability.

Eloquence based medicine
The year round suntan, carnation in the button hole, silk tie, Armani suit, and tongue should all be equally smooth. Sartorial elegance and verbal eloquence are powerful substitutes for evidence.

Providence based medicine
If the caring practitioner has no idea of what to do next, the decision may be best
left in the hands of the Almighty. Too many clinicians,unfortunately, are unable to resist giving God a hand with the decision making.

Diffidence based medicine
Some doctors see a problem and look for an answer. Others merely see a problem. The diffident doctor may do nothing from a sense of despair. This, of course, may be better than doing something merely because it hurts the doctor’s pride to
do nothing.

Nervousness based medicine
Fear of litigation is a powerful stimulus to overinvestigation and overtreatment. In an atmosphere of litigation phobia, the only bad test is the test you didn’t think of ordering.

Confidence based medicine
This is restricted to surgeons.

There are plenty of alternatives for the practising physician in the absence of evidence. This is what makes medicine an art as well as a science.

Contributors: DI and DF each contributed half the jokes and will
both act as guarantors.
Funding: None.
Competing interests: None declared.
1 Evidence Based Medicine Working Group. Evidence-based medicine: a
new approach to teaching the practice of medicine . JAMA 1992;268:
2 Rosenberg W, Donald A. Evidence based medicine: an approach to
clinical problem solving. BMJ 1995;310:1122-6.
3 Sackett DL, Rosenberg WM, Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Richardson WS.
Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t . BMJ 1996;312:71-2.
4 Solomon MJ, McLeod RS. Surger y and the randomised controlled trial:
past, present and future. Med J Aust 1998;169:380-3.
5 McClarey M. Implementing clinical effectiveness. Nursing Management
6 EBM and the IMF. J Exponential Salar ies 1999;99:1-9.
7 O’Donnell M. A sceptic’s medical dictionar y. London: BMJ Books, 1997.

Short reports
Departments of Education and Medicine, New Children’s Hospital, Westmead, NSW 2145,

David Isaacs clinical professor, Dominic Fitzgerald staff physician
Correspondence to:
D Isaacs
BMJ 1999;319:1618
1618 BMJ VOLUME 319 18-25 DECEMBER 1999 www.

Thank you British Medical Journal for a little levity!

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